Module eink.image

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from .eink_graphics import EinkGraphics
from .palette import Palette

__all__ = ['EinkGraphics', 'Palette']




class EinkGraphics

Provides static methods for reducing images to e-ink display palettes.

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class EinkGraphics:
    """Provides static methods for reducing images to e-ink display palettes.
    def _has_alpha(image):
        """Return whether the specified ``Image`` has an alpha channel."""
        return image.mode[-1] in ['A', 'a']

    def _assert_doesnt_have_alpha(image):
        """Raise a ``ValueError`` if the given ``Image`` has an alpha channel.
        if EinkGraphics._has_alpha(image):
            raise ValueError('Alpha channels are not supported')

    def round(image, palette=Palette.THREE_BIT_GRAYSCALE):
        """Return the result of rounding the given image to the given palette.

        Return the result of rounding each pixel in the specified
        ``Image`` to roughly the nearest color in the specified
        ``Palette``. This is a format suitable for display on an e-ink
        device. The image may not have an alpha channel.

        This does not perform dithering. See also ``dither``.
        if palette._is_grayscale:
            # First convert to grayscale, in order to apply the luminosity
            # transform function L = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B
            grayscale_image = image.convert('L')

            # At time of writing, the "quantize" method rounds each component
            # down to the nearest multiple of four before rounding a pixel to
            # the nearest palette color. We can round pixels more accurately by
            # calling "point" instead.
            return grayscale_image.point(palette._round_lookup_table())
            return image.convert('RGB').quantize(
                dither=Image.Dither.NONE, palette=palette._image())

    def dither(image, palette=Palette.THREE_BIT_GRAYSCALE):
        """Return the result of dithering the given image to the given palette.

        Return the result of converting each pixel in the specified
        ``Image`` to a color in the specified ``Palette`` using
        dithering. This is a format suitable for display on an e-ink
        device. The image may not have an alpha channel.

        Instead of simply rounding each pixel to the nearest color in
        the palette, we use dithering, which represents a region that is
        in between two palette colors by coloring its pixels using a
        combination of those two colors. See .

        Dithering gives the result a speckled appearance that tends to
        look closer to the original image, especially from a distance.
        However, in some cases, a more flatly shaded look might be
        preferable. For example, dithering might be undesirable for
        icons that have large areas of solid shading.
        if palette._is_grayscale:
            # First convert to grayscale, in order to apply the luminosity
            # transform function L = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B
            image = image.convert('L')
        return image.convert('RGB').quantize(
            dither=Image.Dither.FLOYDSTEINBERG, palette=palette._image())

Static methods

def dither(image, palette=<eink.image.palette.Palette object>)

Return the result of dithering the given image to the given palette.

Return the result of converting each pixel in the specified Image to a color in the specified Palette using dithering. This is a format suitable for display on an e-ink device. The image may not have an alpha channel.

Instead of simply rounding each pixel to the nearest color in the palette, we use dithering, which represents a region that is in between two palette colors by coloring its pixels using a combination of those two colors. See .

Dithering gives the result a speckled appearance that tends to look closer to the original image, especially from a distance. However, in some cases, a more flatly shaded look might be preferable. For example, dithering might be undesirable for icons that have large areas of solid shading.

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def dither(image, palette=Palette.THREE_BIT_GRAYSCALE):
    """Return the result of dithering the given image to the given palette.

    Return the result of converting each pixel in the specified
    ``Image`` to a color in the specified ``Palette`` using
    dithering. This is a format suitable for display on an e-ink
    device. The image may not have an alpha channel.

    Instead of simply rounding each pixel to the nearest color in
    the palette, we use dithering, which represents a region that is
    in between two palette colors by coloring its pixels using a
    combination of those two colors. See .

    Dithering gives the result a speckled appearance that tends to
    look closer to the original image, especially from a distance.
    However, in some cases, a more flatly shaded look might be
    preferable. For example, dithering might be undesirable for
    icons that have large areas of solid shading.
    if palette._is_grayscale:
        # First convert to grayscale, in order to apply the luminosity
        # transform function L = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B
        image = image.convert('L')
    return image.convert('RGB').quantize(
        dither=Image.Dither.FLOYDSTEINBERG, palette=palette._image())
def round(image, palette=<eink.image.palette.Palette object>)

Return the result of rounding the given image to the given palette.

Return the result of rounding each pixel in the specified Image to roughly the nearest color in the specified Palette. This is a format suitable for display on an e-ink device. The image may not have an alpha channel.

This does not perform dithering. See also dither.

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def round(image, palette=Palette.THREE_BIT_GRAYSCALE):
    """Return the result of rounding the given image to the given palette.

    Return the result of rounding each pixel in the specified
    ``Image`` to roughly the nearest color in the specified
    ``Palette``. This is a format suitable for display on an e-ink
    device. The image may not have an alpha channel.

    This does not perform dithering. See also ``dither``.
    if palette._is_grayscale:
        # First convert to grayscale, in order to apply the luminosity
        # transform function L = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B
        grayscale_image = image.convert('L')

        # At time of writing, the "quantize" method rounds each component
        # down to the nearest multiple of four before rounding a pixel to
        # the nearest palette color. We can round pixels more accurately by
        # calling "point" instead.
        return grayscale_image.point(palette._round_lookup_table())
        return image.convert('RGB').quantize(
            dither=Image.Dither.NONE, palette=palette._image())
class Palette (colors, name)

A color palette for an e-ink device.

The following palettes are supported:

  • Palette.THREE_BIT_GRAYSCALE: 3-bit grayscale, i.e. eight shades of gray.
  • Palette.FOUR_BIT_GRAYSCALE: 4-bit grayscale, i.e. 16 shades of gray.
  • Palette.MONOCHROME: Black and white.
  • Palette.BLACK_WHITE_AND_RED: Black, white, and red.
  • Palette.SEVEN_COLOR: The palette for color Inkplate devices. This has the following seven colors: black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, and orange.

Private initializer.

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class Palette:
    """A color palette for an e-ink device.

    The following palettes are supported:

    * ``Palette.THREE_BIT_GRAYSCALE``: 3-bit grayscale, i.e. eight
      shades of gray.
    * ``Palette.FOUR_BIT_GRAYSCALE``: 4-bit grayscale, i.e. 16
      shades of gray.
    * ``Palette.MONOCHROME``: Black and white.
    * ``Palette.BLACK_WHITE_AND_RED``: Black, white, and red.
    * ``Palette.SEVEN_COLOR``: The palette for color Inkplate devices.
      This has the following seven colors: black, white, red, green,
      blue, yellow, and orange.

    # Private attributes:
    # list<tuple<int, int, int>> _colors - The colors in the palette. Each
    #     color is represented as a tuple of the red, green, and blue
    #     components, in the range [0, 255].
    # Image _image_cache - The cached return value of _image().
    # bool _is_grayscale - Whether the palette consists exclusively of
    #     grayscale colors.
    # string _name - A string identifying the palette in client code. This
    #     consists exclusively of underscores and uppercase letters.
    # list<int> _round_lookup_table_cache - The cached return value of
    #     _round_lookup_table().

    def __init__(self, colors, name):
        """Private initializer."""
        if len(colors) > 256:
            raise ValueError('Palette only supports up to 256 colors')

        self._colors = colors
        self._name = name
        self._round_lookup_table_cache = None
        self._image_cache = None

        self._is_grayscale = True
        for color in colors:
            if color[0] != color[1] or color[0] != color[2]:
                self._is_grayscale = False

    def _round_lookup_table(self):
        """Return a lookup table for rounding to the nearest grayscale color.

        Assume that ``_is_grayscale`` is true. The return value is an
        array of 256 integers. The (i + 1)th element is the red, green,
        and blue component of the palette color nearest to the color
        ``(i, i, i)`` (with ties broken arbitrarily).
        if self._round_lookup_table_cache is None:
            self._round_lookup_table_cache = []
            sorted_colors = sorted([color[0] for color in self._colors])
            index = 0
            for color in range(256):
                if (index + 1 < len(sorted_colors) and
                        sorted_colors[index + 1] - color <
                        color - sorted_colors[index]):
                    index += 1
        return self._round_lookup_table_cache

    def _image(self):
        """Return an ``Image`` whose palette is the colors of this palette.

        Return an ``Image`` of mode ``'P'`` whose palette consists of
        the colors of this palette.
        if self._image_cache is None:
            palette = []
            for color in self._colors:
            self._image_cache ='P', (1, 1))
        return self._image_cache

Class variables